Kids Strength & Tumbling

7+ years

Thursday: 6:45 pm

Level 1 & 2: INVITE ONLY

Wednesday: 5:45 pm

Students age 7+ will develop a good foundation of strength and flexibility, emphasizing extensive conditioning through stretch and strength training. When students are learning new tricks, the instructor utilizes professional spotting techniques; which is necessary to ensure safety and build confidence.

Kids Strength & Tumbling is a genre which seamlessly fuses elements of lyrical gymnastics tricks, balancing, tumbling, and jazz. Students learn Acrobatic tricks such as handstands, cartwheels, bridges, elbow stands, walkovers and partner seal.

**This is a drop off class, participants participate independently. To ensure students are relaxed and able to work effectively, all classes are closed to observation.**



     15 Weeks


$22 to drop in