Anastasiya Balabanova


  • 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (2019, Semperviva Yoga College in Vancouver)
  • 100 hour Foundations of Maya Yoga Teacher Training (2021, online with Nicki Doane)
  • Yoga Alliance Member
  • Zumba Basics 1 & 2
  • Respect in Sport: Activity Leader

Performance and Training Highlights

  • 7 years of Classical Ballet
  • Participated in a variety of fitness & dance classes while living in Germany, Mexico City and Vancouver

Anastasiya's 3 Favourite Things:

  1. Dancing with my kiddos
  2. Mexico
  3. Dark chocolate

What inspired me to teach?

My teachers. I believe that if everyone did yoga – the world would be a much better place.

Why do I teach?

I love sharing my passion with others, I learn with my students, and I enjoy the energy of like-minded people. When my kids were very little it was challenging to find a way to practice yoga at home, so I hope that Yoga with ME and Family Yoga classes will help mamas out there find a space and community to practice their yoga.

What do I teach?

  • Yoga with Me!
  • Family Yoga
  • Yoga All Levels

Fun Fact

I have lived in 5 countries and speak 4 languages