4-6 Years
Wednesday: 4:45 pm |Thursday: 6:00 pm | Saturday: 10:15 am | Sunday: 9:15 am
Level 1 dancers ages 4-6 will have the opportunity to incorporate ballet and jazz into one class. Students will continue to progress on their skills such as: good posture, flexibility, and grace. We incorporate musicality, space awareness, and working together as a team into classes.
Dancers will learn dance skills through the “fun” of dance! Scarves, parachutes, hula hoops and more. No recital and No costume fees.
Dancers who are younger may be invited into level 1 if they have previously attended dance classes (either at We Move or other studios) and possess strong listening skills with the ability to follow along with instructors with ease. An assessment and instructor approval is required.
**This is a drop off class, participants participate independently. To ensure students are relaxed and able to work effectively, all classes are closed to observation.**